Dated: November 22, 2001



Our next function (Diwali get together) on Sunday, 16th December
      evening, at Andheri (W)

MAB Directory on website and MAB e-mail

MAB Directory – 2002

Regular Members for our Working Committees


New Arrivals & Departures

Dear Member


The Managing Committee, MAB, takes pleasure in announcing that its next function (Diwali get-together) will be held on Sunday, December 16th, 2001 from 6.30 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. at the following venue

Good Shepherd Church Lawns
Sangeetkar N. Dutta Marg,
Off Four Bungalow Road,
Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400 058

The venue is the same where we have been having our functions for a few years past. Entry to the venue is from the N. Dutta Marg, which takes off from the 4 - Bungalow Road just round the Church corner. We are sure the location is familiar to most of our members. However, for newcomers and for those who have not so far been to this venue, brief guidelines to approach are as follows

a) The 4-Bunglow Road (connecting the JP Road with New Link Road) is a well- known road in Andheri (W) and the Church on this road is a prominent landmark, known to everybody around. The place is easily approachable from Andheri (W) Railway Station by taxi / auto.

b) Bus Nos. 266, 267 from Andheri (W) station, Bus No. 255 from Sion Depot, Bus No. 352 Ltd., from Anushakti Nagar (via Chembur, Sion, Bandra, and Andheri).

c) Any further or more specific guidance about the venue location, approach etc., can be had from any one of our Committee members

i) Shri Taj Bahadur, (Tel 6363340 / 6319319)
ii) Shri Anil Mathur, (Tel 5700754 / 5797081)
iii) Shri Ajit Mathur, (Tel 6498673 / 6481744)

d) A rough sketch showing the approach route to the venue location is provided.

Dinner, snacks, drinks (soft, as well as …you know for our hard taskmasters) will be available as usual.

Because of time restrictions on lighting & sound, we are compelled to close down by 10.30 p.m. It is, therefore, earnestly requested that members arrive early so as to enjoy the function to it's maximum.

As you are aware, we have fixed the third Saturday of April & December each year as the days for our Holi & Diwali get-togethers respectively. However, this time we could not get a suitable venue for 15th April (3rd Sat.) and therefore we are holding our Diwali function on the next day, i.e., on SUNDAY, the 16th December, 2001 evening. We request you to make a note of this small change this time. As it fortunately happens, the next day, Monday, 17th December, is likely to be a public holiday due to Id-ul- Fitr.

Annual Membership of Rs. 50/- for the year, 2001 - 2002, may kindly be paid by all members (except Life Members and those who have since paid it in our last function on 21.4.01) at the Reception counter.

When you approach the Reception Counter (or for any communication any time with the MAB), please do specify your MAB Directory Ref. No. (like C-2, W-12, NE-5, etc.) in addition to your name. This will enable us to locate you quickly in our member's list and correctly credit your payments against your name. Besides, this will save a lot of your and our time at the Reception counter, specially during the peak rush.


Our last (Holi) get-together held on Saturday the 21st April, 2001 at the Church School Compound at Andheri (W) was the new Millennium’s first function and was attended by about 325 guests The entertainment programs, food, snacks, drinks provided were liked by all, specially the newly introduced children’s games.

The Managing Committee has special thanks for the following for their very helpful participation during the function.

a) Shri Chetan Mathur, (Jogeshwari / NW-124) for compeering the stage items.

b) Smt. Nidhi & Shri Vijay Mathur, (Andheri-E / NW-67) and Shri Alok Galgotia (Bandra-W / W-54) for manning the Reception counters.

c) Smt. Ruby & Shri Vinod N. Mathur (Vashi / E-27) on the Coupons sale counter.

d) Smt. Sunita & Shri Rajiv Mathur, (Khar-W / W-40) for their continued hel providing placards and decorating the venue.

Sponsorship / Donations

We gratefully acknowledge the following sponsorships and sincerely thank the respective sponsors / donors for their generous gesture for the function

a) Rs. 5000/- from Smt. Sangeeta & Shri Ravi Nigam, (Malad-W / NW-167).

b) Rs. 1500/- from Smt. Phool Kumari & Shri K.R. Mathur, (Andheri-W / NW-39) on the occasion of the first marriage anniversary pf their daughter, ANURADHA, married to SUNDRESH on 15-4-2000 at New Delhi.

c) Shri Taj Bahadur, (Andheri-W / NW-119) for sponsoring 8 bottles (actual consumption) of RC Whiskey, valued about Rs. 3600/-

d) Smt. Renu & Shri Sushil K. Mathur, (Powai / NE-44) for providing as usual free ice cream to all the guests.

A token gift was presented on behalf of the Managing Committee to Shri Anuj Mathur (Goregaon-E / NW-5) to felicitate him on his receiving the prestigious FILMFARE award for ‘Best Sound Recording’ for the film “Mohabatein” in Feb. this year. The receipt of the award was mentioned earlier in our last Newsletter.


B. MAB Directory – 1999 Edition. As already informed, MAB Member’s Directory (1999 Edition) has been put on the Internet at address http://www.geocities.com/bombaymathurs. It is currently updated upto 31st October 2001 and will be kept regularly updated, say every quarter till we come out with our new Directory proposed sometime next year. This website can be accessed from your PC, or from a neighboring cyber cafe and will be useful to our External members too, as also to any Mathur anywhere in India or abroad.

MAB Directory – 2002 Edition. Arrival of new Mathurs and final departure of some from Mumbai, change of home / office address, phone nos., etc., are constant, ongoing process in this metropolis and its extended suburbs. This necessitates perpetual changes in the Directory with the result that our present 3-year old Directory has now becomes quite outdated, needing immediate updating & revision.

The publishing of the Directory costs a lot, well beyond our normal means, especially as it is offered to members at a much subsidized price. We, therefore have to depend on our members in raising the necessary funds by donations from individual members and through advertisements from well-wishers, companies and business houses. A good number of our members are themselves well placed in reputed companies or are doing well in their respective profession / business and can, therefore, be of great help by offering their own ads or obtaining advertisements from sources known to them. Samples and patterns of the various types of advertisements can be seen in the Advertisements Section of our present 1999 edition Directory and can be shown to prospective advertisers whom you approach them.

We request all our members to please try their best to collect as many ads as possible, beside their own one, if possible

a) Zone Dividers (colored full page) Rs. 2,500 /- each

b) Full page Rs. 1,000 /- each

c) Half page Rs. 500 /- each


We repeat our request to take up Life Membership by paying a onetime Membership of Rs. 500/- for themselves & spouse. We heartily welcome the following who took our Life Membership during the last function on 21-4-2001

A. Abhishek Mathur / Mrs. Dipti, (Santa Cruz-W / W-9)

B. Capt. N.M. Mathur, (Bandra-W / W-31)

C. Umesh Mathur / Mrs. Manju, (Bandra-E / NW-29)

D. Yateen Oandit / Mrs. Anjana, (Santa Cruz-W / W-81


While drawing member's kind attention to our Appeal on this subject, repeated perpetually in all our past Newsletters, we request for their help and patronage for our functions by taking any of the following sponsorship which will go long way in our being able to hold good functions

A. Give a Corpus Donation, which could be put in a Bank FD and its interest, used as your running contribution at each function.

B. Give whatever you wish as a spot cash contribution during our function(s) towards function expenses.

C. Sponsor (wholly or partly, individually or jointly) an item of the function(s) by contributing the amount shown against each

Venue hire Rs. 5000/- Lighting, tables, chairs, etc Rs. 3000/-
Non-veg material Rs. 5000/- Hard Drinks (Whisky & Beer) Rs. 3000/-
Cooking & Service charges Rs. 5000/- Soft Drinks Rs. 1500/-
Music & Entertainment Rs. 3000/- - -

Note: Though the actual expenses on these items are usually more, sponsorship amount has been limited to the above or actuals, whichever is less.

D. Any other way desired, e.g., Donation on a marriage or any other happy occasion in the family or business.

E. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated and acknowledged in our Newsletters.

Kindly contact any of the following for further details and processing your contribution

a) Your Zonal Representative

b) Shri Shamsher Barellia, (Mahim / C-25), Tel 446 7212

c) Shri Mahesh C Mathur, (Churchgate / S-18), Tel 2013328 / 2034148


A. In our functions, eat and enjoy heartily your dinner but please avoid wastage of food. We feel sorry if plates full of leftovers go to the bin. With increased number of food service counters, please feel free to have second or subsequent helpings.

B. Please do inform us promptly of any change in your home or office address,phone number etc. as and when it occurs to enable us to keep our directory and mailing list up to date. A register to record all such changes is always kept at the Reception Counter in each function and members are requested to advise us of any change by entering it in the register.

C. LOST AND FOUND – In the last function on April 21, a key bunch was found. Thowner may collect it from the reception counter in the next function on 16th December.


We intend to take some persons as regular members of the following Working Committees of the MAB

A. Catering

B. Reception

C. Entertainment & games programmes

D. Venue management and picnics.

E. Zonal Committees – members to act as our Regional Rep. in their Zone.

We specially look to our younger generation to come forward to be on these Committees. Husband-wife pairs would be most welcome.

Those interested may please convey their willingness to us either during our forthcoming function on 16th December, or inform by a letter / phone call to our office


For the last Academic year (2000-01) the standing “GANPAT SAHAI” award of Rs. 500/- sponsored by Shri Sushil K. Mathur (Powai) there were two applications and the award goes to the holder of the highest percentage, Kum. Mini Mathur, d/o Smt. Shobha & Shri Kuldip Mathur (Thane-W / NE-21} for having obtained 90.67% marks in the HSC Exam (Science stream) held in March/April, 2001.

Our SHABASH to Mini and hearty congrats to her proud parents on this achievement. Please do attend our forthcoming function on the 16th December to receive the award in person.

9. IDEAS (repeated from our last newsletter dated 4.4.2001)

A. In our present Directory, the profession against many members is entered simply as "Consultant", or 'Business', ‘Retd.’ etc., without any details. It is now proposed to add a couple of words more, giving an indication to the nature of their profession, like 'Consultant - Chemical Engineering, 'Business - Texxtile Export','Retd. -XYZ Co.', or 'Retd. Govt. of India', etc., etc. We will soon be collecting this information on phone from the concerned members for incorporation in our Directory.

B. This will not only help the member concerned by way of his professional introduction and identity but also to other members who may be looking for a person of a particular specialization and instead of going to somebody else, may like to go to their Mathur Bhai.

C. Mumbai has Mathurs from all parts India, mostly from Delhi, U.P, Rajasthan, M P and Bihar, and by and large, they know their respective relatives / mulkwalas, if any in Mumbai. The joy of coming across a hitherto unknown relative / mulkwala in the hub of Mumbai life is only to be experienced to be described. There are many who, even after being here for years, could discover much later their kinship with each other, simply because there was no means of introduction. Long back we had started a system of self-introduction by a newcomer Mathur by inviting him to the mike in our functions. Once we experimented with pinning a named label to the member's shirt. Somehow, these could not work for long, leaving people alone to discover each other.

D. In this context an idea being developed is to compile a list containing the member's and spouse's ancestral places of origin, father's name and any other distinguishing family identity. This information could be incorporated in the MAB Directory itself or alternatively, we could have a separate booklet named say, 'PARIVAR PARICHEY' (or any other befitting name), as an ancillary to the main Directory and issue it for restricted, private circulation to MAB members only. Furnishing of this information will be optional and purely voluntary by a member,(no compulsion) if he feels this proposal to be interesting and useful. We would like to have member's views on this proposal and to collect the relevant information from those interested.

Note: The above ideas have been well received by the members at large and we expect to start work on these items shortly. In the meantime if you have any suggestions on the subject, please do let us know.

10. ARRIVALS / DEPARTURES - since our last function.

A. New Arrivals

a) S-57 - Sunil B Mathur (Mrs. Nalini), 13-Queeen’s Road, M.Karve Road, Mumbai – 400 020. [LIC] – R: 282 0757 / O: 282 0257

b) W-82 - Shyam Kishore Mathur (Mrs. Meena), H--2, Rizvi Educational Complex, Bandra (W), Mumbai – 400 050. (Rizvi Builders) R: 600 0902 / O: 642 6767

c) Tarun Grover (Mrs. Sangeeta), B-1702, Florentine, Hiranandani Garden, Powai, Mumbai – 400 076.

d) NE-66 - Vijay N Mathur (Mrs. Ragini), A-23, OONGC Colony, Chitranjan Nagar, Vidya Vihar (E), Mumbai – 400 077. [ONGC] R: 509 4534.

e) NW-180 Ravi Mathur (Mrs. Shalini), 1802 / 3A, Whispering Palms, Lokhandwala Complex, Akurli Road., Kandivli (E) Mumbai – 400 101. (Mahindra & Mahindra) R: 884 4818 / O: 490 5898

f) NW – 181 M M Mathur (Mrs. Shobha), Room No. 8, 1st Floor Gopal Niwas, TPS Road No.5, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai – 400 057. (WEBCON) R: 836 0884 / O: 016 365033

g) NW – 182 Shakti N Mathur (Mrs. Sheela), 2A/25, Mahesh Nagar, Opposite Kamath Club, S V Road., Goregaon (W), Mumbai- R: 876 3151

h) NW – 183 Sunil Dutt Mathur (Mrs. Shivali), A-2, Saigiri, Saibaba Complex, & Goregaon (E), Mumbai –400 063. (Global Tele Systems) R: 840 4353 / O: 761 2929.

i) NW – 184 Kishan Kumar (Mrs. Sushma) (ONGC-Retd.), Praveen Mathur (Mrs. Suchi), B-202, ISM House, Thakur Village, Kandivli (E), Mumbai-400 101. (Deepak Nitrate), R: 858 4615

j) NW – 185 Y D Mathur (Mrs. Geeta), PMG Mumbai, Yogesh D. Mathur (Mrs. Prerna)(CM Corporation), A-25, High Rise Building, Opposite Mary Immaculate Girl’s School, Borivli (W), Mumbai- R: 890 5131 / O: 659 1000

k) NW – 187 Vipul Mathur (Mrs. Reema), 626, Vasundhra - II, Thakur Village, Kandivli (E), Mumbai-400 101. (WELSPUN), R: 884 4628

B. Departures

a) E – 11 Mrs. Pratibha, w/o Late Dr. B.B. Mathur, Nerul

b) E – 41 Dr. P.K. Mathur (Mrs. Sunila), Anushakti Nagar

c) W - 68 Manoj Kumar (Mrs. Rita), Santa Cruuz (W)


Our heartiest congratulations and best wishes to the newlyweds and their respective families on the following weddings

A. Kum. SANGEETA, d/o Smt. Asha & Dr. G P Mathur, (W-81 / Juhu) to SRIDHAR, s/o Smt. Ganga & Shri V R Iyer at New Jersey (USA) on 8-4-2001

B. Kum. JYOTIKA, d/o Smt. Indra & Shri N B Saharia, (NW-52 / Andheri-E) to RAHUL, s/o Smt. Nilima & Shri V R Altekar at Mumbai on 8-5-2001.

C. Kum DIVYA, d/o Smt. Geeta & Shri Hareshwar S Mathur and grand-daughter of Mr. Justice D S Mathur (Retd.) (S-8 / Malabar Hill) to Premanand, s/o Smt. Saraswati & Shri N Krishnan at Delhi on 20-8-2001.

D. RAHUL, s/o Smt. Ratanmala & Shri Rajesh Narain (NW-86 / Kandivli) with Kum. PARUL, d/o Smt. & Shri Vinay Mathur at Delhi on 26-10-2001.


Our heartfelt condolences to the members of the bereaved families and prayers for peace to the departed souls of the following who left for their heavenly abode

A. Dr. V B L Mathur, father of Shri N.B. Saharia (NW-52 / Andheri-E) on 3-12-200 at Mumbai. Shri Saharia soon had a double tragedy in loosing his mother, Smt. Mohini Lal on 28-6-2001 at Mumbai.

B. Smt. Sheela Lal, w/o Shri R B Lal, (E-45 / Vashi) on 18-12-2001 at New Mumbai.

C. Shri R D Mathur (noted Film Photography Director and of Mughle-Azam fame), one of the earliest and long time Mathur settlers of Bombay (shifted to Delhi sometime ago) on 15-4-2001 at Delhi

D. Shri V R Mathur, (Crompton Greaves, NE-49 / Thane) on 15-4-2001 at Thane

E. Dr. R B Mathur, (Prof. Dental College, E-11 / Nerul) on 23-4-2001 at New Mumbai.

F. Smt. Savitri, w/o Shri Rajeshwar Dayal (NW / 87, Andheri-E) on 22-5-2001 at Chennai.

G. Shri R B Mathur, (E-46 / CBD Belapur), father of Shri Shriraj & Shri Shivaji Mathur, on 28-6-2001 at New Mumbai.

Thanking you, and looking forward to meet you on SUNDAY, the 16th December, 2001 evening at the Church Lawns.

For & On Behalf Of Managing Committee, MAB

Krishna Murari
